Launch into Fall the Right Way

Launch into Fall the Right Way 

Now that fall is here. That means Halloween is right around the corner and Thanksgiving comes shortly after. Time to start thinking about some new costume ideas; that Scream, Zombie, Banana, or even that same Michael Jackson costume is getting old. Time to find something new. While you are at it, maybe some ways to celebrate Halloween and the Fall in general won’t hurt too.

                                   4 Fun Ways to Celebrate your Launch into Fall

I know that the end of October may feel distant but it is closer than you think. Besides if you don’t plan nothing early with your friends, nothing ever happens, and you’re stuck doing the same thing you did last year.

Here are some ideas for you to celebrate Halloween:

  1. Traditional Halloween Bash- The first idea that comes into mind when wanting to celebrate Halloween. Takes a lot of planning upfront, but if you are able to pull it off you will be the talk among your buddies for awhile, about how good your party was.
  2. Pumpkin Pie Dinner Party- Warm Pumpkin Pie does not sound bad, right about now! If you have some friends that are good in the kitchen, maybe you can have a little throwdown to see who can make the best Pumpkin Pie. During this dinner party people can judge who made the best Pumpkin Pie. People can vote by putting money into a jar and whoever has the most money in the jar takes the rest of the money and donates the rest to charity.
  3. Building a Spooky Haunted House- Build the scariest haunted house in your block!!
  4. Punkin Chunkin


If you are indecisive and impatient like me and you would like to start the celebration right away. You can start off with a little Pumpkin Chunkin. You may be wondering what that is. It is the aerial assault of pumpkins, or simply the launching of pumpkins.

The range of sophistication of launching pumpkins can range from using Bam Launchers to launch pieces of pumpkins. Or you can be the master of aerial assaults by launching whole Pumpkins from a catapult or a cannon and compete in a World Championship Punkin Chunkin.

Lets keep life simple. Cut up some Pumpkins and use the Bam Launcher to launch pieces of Pumpkin. Maybe you can create a little friendly competition to see how accurate and far you are at launching pumpkins using the Bam Launcher.


Start your Launch into Fall and order your Bam Launcher!
3 person water balloon launcher